Boards by the Numbers
Important: Please view our Terms & Conditions page before placing your order. It contains important information about our shipping, return policy and tax charged for Ohio customers. The New Cloud version of Boards by the Numbers is now available for the ABFAS Exams. An easy-to-use software program designed to help podiatrists prepare for the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery exam. The software includes a comprehensive set of (boards focused) notes (over 300 pages); high resolution graphics (MRIs, X-rays, color images); practice exams (over 980 questions); and a CBPS section designed to help you develop an organized approach to the CBPS (computer-based patient simulation) software. The program is a cloud application and is accessible anywhere, anytime on multiple devices (Mac's, PC's, iPads, iPhones, and other mobile devices). The program is sold as a 1 year subscription and requires a high-speed Internet connection, a mobile phone for authentication and is browser dependent, so please visit or call (513) 347-0004 and learn more about it.
Note: You will receive 2 emails after your purchase is approved. One is a receipt and the other contains instruction on how to registration your subscription. The registration email may be placed in your Spam/Junk folder due to the multiple links in the email so check your spam box if you cannot find the registration email.